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Tag: Irish Soda Bread

Pandemic Potluck Tea

Pandemic Potluck Tea

I think the versatility of the human race has certainly been illustrated with the advent of COVID-19….. Everyone has had to custom-tailor their lives….. I’ve watched choral and orchestral adaptations on-line….. …..and wonderful ballet compositions posted on YouTube….. (I’ll see if I can find one) *****Paris Ballet***** Our Fox Hunt Club has made adaptations too….. …..we are still hunting….. …..the great outdoors is a safer place to be….. … of the last Hunts had a 7.5 mile coyote run….. ……

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~~~First Hunt Of The 2020/2021 Season~~~

~~~First Hunt Of The 2020/2021 Season~~~

Tra!   La! It was our Fox Hunt Club’s first Hunt of the new season…..!….. The Season has begun again! Yippee! My younger daughter and I went…..sans horses….. …..we were there for the post-Hunt Tea and the beginning of the season’s socializing….. IT WAS GREAT! Devana our Huntsman was Great! The field was out for three hours…..I think Addy will faint when I tell her….. We brought chocolate chip Irish Soda Bread & butter for the potluck Tea….. It was…

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