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Tag: internet

The Internet Is Down

The Internet Is Down

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Our internet has been out now for over eighteen hours….. There were no outages reported in our area….. The world is still turning…apparently…somewhere…(I guess)….. You all know the drill….. I’m not bothered that much…I’m fulfilling my desire to write my blog….. I’ve started this document-thingie…in the notepad icon-thingie…that I found at the bottom of my computer’s toolbar….. And if I don’t lose it…I’ll Cut & Paste it into my WordPress-thingie when the outage…

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I’m Back!!!

I’m Back!!!

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Don’t ask me what happened….. …..I don’t know….. I do know that “everything” started when we up’d the speed of the internet coming into the house….. …..and then within moments….. …..everything went dead….. The first work order was never filed properly(?)….. …..(or so “they” say)….. … the first technician never showed………….last week….. Then…..”they” couldn’t make it out to fix “it” until…

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