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Tag: hurricane season



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We’re hedging towards August….. We’re zero’ing in on the height of shhhhh…shhhhh…(hurricane season)….. …’s been quiet here so far….. …..shhhhh….. …..maybe if we tip-toe though the middle of August up to & through the Ides of September….. …..we might just luck out and totally skip through this season…..?…..maybe….. …………………Hope Springs Eternal………………… There’s a lot of Sahara dust blowing this way off of the African continent…..(that’s a good thing)….. …..(every surface in my house…

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………….It’s Begun………….

………….It’s Begun………….

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the first day of the 2022 Hurricane Season….. It’s begun….. “They” say it should be more active than last year…..(?)….. …..(sigh)….. “They” know what they’re talking about….. ***2022 Hurricane Predictions by NOAA*** Apparently the on-going (very active) La Niña is responsible for the up-tick in storms….. She’s just dancing away out there stirring up meteorological trends and tendencies….. …..those tendencies could have their tendencies right over us….. …..damn…… …..(sigh)….. …..(SIGH)….. …..(DOUBLE SIGH)……..

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s already the end of May…..this month lasted for years while at the same time it sped by….. But here we are….. Memorial Day…..the threshold of June…..and the edge of summer….. Hurricane Season begins in a matter of hours…..(great)…..(sigh)…..(double sigh)….. But more important today is Memorial Day….. …..not just a day for picnics…..but a day to spend with family….. …..and be thankful for the opportunity to spend those days with our families….. It’s…

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*****Springtime in Florida*****

*****Springtime in Florida*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Springtime in Florida….. …..wait five minutes and the weather will change….. There are a bucket-full of options that can happen during a Florida spring….. …..we just had one of our neighboring/northern counties have an extreme hail storm attack….. Our favorite meteorologist just shared some photos on the news….. …..Wow!….. …..the damage was incredible… shattered…..roofs punctured… siding torn off….. …..the car damage…

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Amateur Meteorologist

Amateur Meteorologist

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** It’s August….. By the middle of this month…’ll be the height of the hurricane season for us….. …..can’t you just hear the bile churning in my stomach?….. …..I have so many friends who are much braver than I am….. …..I wish I could take this all in stride….. So I’ve become an amateur meteorologist between the middle of August and the…

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***Hey Everybody…..It’s That Time!***

***Hey Everybody…..It’s That Time!***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* I bet you know what time of year this is….. I bet you do….. I’ll need a show of hands….. Anybody…..?….. Anybody…..?….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT’S HURRICANE SEASON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OF COURSE IT IS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TRA!  LA!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …..(well…..@#$%^%$$##)….. …..(deep breaths…..deep breaths)….. Well…..buckle-up and get your asthma inhalers….. For some reason…..buying adequate plywood to cover you windows is going to break the bank this year….. …..have you seen the increases in lumber prices!?!….. *****Expensive Wooden Boards—Why?*****…

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***The Hog Hilton***

***The Hog Hilton***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Well…….Finally…..!!!….. The hogs finally have their newly finished pig pen….. ………………………….AND…………………………. …..the rainy season hasn’t even begun yet….. …..the first dusty splatter of rain hasn’t started….. …..the summer’s reliable muddy-quagmires haven’t begun puddling yet….. Ralph did all the necessary work….. ***Glossary—(Ralph Defined)*** …..he used our surplus telephone poles as super/secure posts….. …..he was able to make use of the surplus sheets of 5-V Crimp that have been laying around……..

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