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Tag: Hurricane Eta

~~~(update): ETA Is Now A Hurricane (1)~~~

~~~(update): ETA Is Now A Hurricane (1)~~~

…………………Tropical Storm (?) Eta is doing something out in the Gulf………………… Here let me show you….. There….. There…..isn’t that crystal clear!?!….. Occasional early bands of rain splashed over us yesterday….. I actually like that kind of blowing rain….. …’s soft….. Right now…..we are on the east side of the storm….. …..that’s the wet side….. … scoops up the water….. …..and then it dumps it on us… it goes around counter-clockwise….. Everything is drippy….. …..the Runner Ducks love it….. …..but it’s…

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***Still Don’t Know***

***Still Don’t Know***

We still don’t know where “Hurricane Eta” is going….. …..or what strength she is going to be when she gets there….. We still don’t know who our next President is going to be….. ……..we don’t….. It looks like it is going to take awhile longer….. I do know………….however………….that I dropped my cell phone into the toilet….. …..yes…..I did….. … least that much I am sure of….. Who knows what will happen with Eta or the Presidency….. …..I don’t….. However…..I DO…

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…..Really…..?….. …..Really…..?….. …..ETA…..?….. …..what the hell…..!!!…..???…..!!! ***ETA…..?…..*** …..COME ON!!!….. ***More On Eta*** JUST WHEN DOES HURRICANE SEASON END!!!!!?!!!!! I know…..I’m DONE with it…..!!!….. (FYI—–November 30th…..@#$%^&*&^%%$*) …..I’m afraid to ask…..what’s the Greek alphabet’s letter after “Eta”…..? …..(apparently it’s “Theta”…..just in case you were wondering)….. …..maybe before Eta hits…..we’ll know who is going to be our next President….. …..maybe….. …..And…..