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Tag: Horse Clippers

***My Pony Gets A Trim***

***My Pony Gets A Trim***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** It’s that time of year…..again….. The horse’s winter coats are coming in….. …..more than what’s necessary….. Draft horses (especially) get wooly and fuzzy and furry in the winter….. …..which is okay for the frigid North….. …..but really not so much in the tepid/luke-warm/chilliness of one of Florida’s sub-tropical winters….. Body clipping enables us to get in closer to the skin…..shovel out…

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Bubble Bath Beauties

Bubble Bath Beauties

  I have my work cut out for me.  I have two big mama’s who need bathing.  Actually, I have more than two…………but today………’s just these two. They need scrubbing and hosing and rinsing.  They are equine-examples of the phrase—–“Rinse, Lather and Repeat”—–a lot. I love their socks and feathers.  I don’t love their maintenance.  But alack alas.  It’s one of the perks & troubles of owning a “feathered” breed.  Clydesdales are so very unique and quirky and hairy.  They…

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