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Tag: hooves

Ode To A Cracked Calcaneous

Ode To A Cracked Calcaneous

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Those of you with large-hooved-horses understand what I mean….. A big horse needs a big hoof to support its big body and weight….. But it would be nice…..if they would keep those big hooves….. …..underneath their largeness….. …..but instead…..they swing them around haphazardly when they’re walking….. …..they need to take responsibility for their hoofage….. …..because they hurt…..excessively….. …..they need to keep track of their hoove’s trajectories….. One of our…

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This Time—Mason Was Way Out Of Line!!!!!

This Time—Mason Was Way Out Of Line!!!!!

  You try to be a good owner… You try to be a caring-caretaker… You try to do what’s best…     And when Dr. Stevie Wonder recommends that I harden Mason’s hooves before rainy season begins by painting them with iodine… ……….a good owner does that, right?………….(sigh).     …So I did that… I risked my life and limb and I regularly went into the thoroughbred racehorse stallion’s pasture. I carefully caught him;  I even more carefully tied him…

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“Rocking Back”…………, not a song-lyric…

“Rocking Back”…………, not a song-lyric…

  When a horse is standing and rocking back on its heels……………you always start to worry about laminitis (a.k.a. founder)…   Not a happy word to use around the equine-world… It’s guaranteed to make horse owners run for the nearest closet or dark box.   Unfortunately in the past, we’ve already dealt with founder here on the farm……………foal-founder to be exact… ……………and yes, there is an assortment of flavors when it comes to laminitis… It all has to do with…

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One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

    My younger daughter and I are making regular trips south to Mary Constance’s stables. We drive south two or three times a week to treat Chantilly & Claire…………..well……………mostly Claire. Chantilly’s healthy as……………well…………… a horse… I was finally able to score some 7% Iodine for treating Claire’s hooves. The 3% kind is watery & barely adequate…………no real “kick” to it…………kind of just a yucky food-coloring. Why is it so hard to procure 7% Iodine these days? Well……………………. …………… the…

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