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Tag: hoof care

*Addy And Her Abscess*

*Addy And Her Abscess*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Horses get hoof abscesses…they occur for a bunch of reasons….. Usually they’re not considered an insurmountable problem….. …..they can be treated and healed….. But they are dramatic….. An otherwise sound horse can be dead-lame in the blink of an eye….. I had thought that we had the abscess under control after the last blacksmiths visit….. …..apparently not…or maybe this is a new one?….. …..whatever it is…it still needs treating….. Addy’s not a light-weight…even…

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Mani/Pedi Time…….

Mani/Pedi Time…….

Our skinny, young farrier came this morning… His belt buckle still out-weighs him… I hope he hasn’t gotten into chewing tobacco yet… Normally that’s a must with blacksmiths & farriers here in the South… You can see the faded “ring” on the back pocket of their jeans where the Skol or Copenhagen can has left its mark… (being involved in sports medicine…….I just don’t get chewing tobacco…….our vet, Stevie Wonder does too…….I just don’t get it) But poor ole’ Claire…

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One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

    My younger daughter and I are making regular trips south to Mary Constance’s stables. We drive south two or three times a week to treat Chantilly & Claire…………..well……………mostly Claire. Chantilly’s healthy as……………well…………… a horse… I was finally able to score some 7% Iodine for treating Claire’s hooves. The 3% kind is watery & barely adequate…………no real “kick” to it…………kind of just a yucky food-coloring. Why is it so hard to procure 7% Iodine these days? Well……………………. …………… the…

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