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Tag: Home Depot

A Decking Project

A Decking Project

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I had an idea…a little while ago….. If we had a deck…outside the back porch door then…(at the very least)…the hounds would have to traverse over it before coming inside the house….. …..before dropping all of the sand that was Velcro’ed to their coats and feet while they were outside….. Maybe…(hopefully)…the pack will ultimately prefer to lay on the deck…rather than wallowing and rolling in the dirt….. Well…that was my idea anyway….. And…

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*The Lumber Pick-Up*

*The Lumber Pick-Up*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We have a deck project planned….. That’s a story all by itself…but THIS story is about getting ready for that next story….. Decks need wood and other stuff………….that’s a given….. …..bags of cement…joist hangers…lag bolts…post…levels…chalk…curse words…and wood….. …..lots of wood….. Two by four’s…two by six’s…deck panels…all in varying lengths…and we went to pick them up from our local/friendly Home Depot store….. Thirty-nine boards…total…along with other accoutrements….. …..that’s a lot of wood…and that was…

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Good Morning Monday

Good Morning Monday

First don’t try to compare the posting date with an actual Monday.  Lord knows when I’ll finish this. But it’s definitely a Monday. #1 Daughter has gone to servitude at her early morning retail job at an under-appreciating Corporate Giant. That started things off with the first alarm clock going off at just after 5:30AM.  Wolfhounds are truly pack animals, so multiple girls have decided to come into season after this month’s full moon———-don’t be shocked———this is a farm blog…………and…

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