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Tag: hogs

***Market-Bound Piggies***

***Market-Bound Piggies***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..(The Saga of the Pigs…continued)….. *******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* … where did we leave off?….. We already had the three big boars loaded in B.J.’s trailer….. … older daughter and I were so thoroughly spent & exhausted….. …..the hogs had full bellies…..what with all of the dog food & cat food & hand-fed eggs….. …..not to mention the serenading….. But we weren’t done….. We were almost…

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*B. J. To The Rescue*

*B. J. To The Rescue*

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* It seems like we’ve know B.J. forever….. I think we met during one of our first Florida State Fair Dairy Goat shows….. …..then the Florida State Fair Poultry shows….. Recently he came to our rescue with letting us borrow his slant-load trailer….. …..(because…surprise!)….. We had more pigs to take to the auction….. …..(btw—–pigs and rabbits…..reproduce easily)….. My older daughter and I are trying to aggressively and proactively get the…

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***The Hog Hilton***

***The Hog Hilton***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Well…….Finally…..!!!….. The hogs finally have their newly finished pig pen….. ………………………….AND…………………………. …..the rainy season hasn’t even begun yet….. …..the first dusty splatter of rain hasn’t started….. …..the summer’s reliable muddy-quagmires haven’t begun puddling yet….. Ralph did all the necessary work….. ***Glossary—(Ralph Defined)*** …..he used our surplus telephone poles as super/secure posts….. …..he was able to make use of the surplus sheets of 5-V Crimp that have been laying around……..

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