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Tag: Galway Warrior

“Braveheart” Earns His Keep

“Braveheart” Earns His Keep

  Remember this is a farm post………………………. I ramble on about farm things. Farm things are not always polished/pretty/and polite……………….well, what’s considered polite by suburban, well-scrubbed ratings anyway. But I try to be factual………………well, fairly factual…………..I attempt to be, anyway. Brave is entering into a new phase of his life. Successfully and fruitfully, I hope.     It’s time. In fact, it’s over-due.   In the very near future, we are going to start training him, so that we can…

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Perigee Moons

Perigee Moons

  Between December and the last day of this month, there have been (or will be) three full moons in perigee.  (Quick definition:  Perigee means the point where the moon’s (or anything’s) orbit is the closest to the earth.) So the last three full moons in a row have been at their closest point in their normal orbit around the earth, which means they look super big. Hence they’re are called “Super Moons”. They’re Super.  Super bright.  Super close.  Super…

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Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

It’s a rainy Saturday.  I’m temporarily fairly immobile.  I have another knee replacement awaiting me in the near future.  So what to do?  I’ve got it!  I’ll blog some more.  That’s what I’ll do.  So here’s a fun little story from this last spring. Becky is a mare from our breeding here.  She is 1/2 Belgian and 1/2 Paint.  She herself is a pretty black & white paint.  And she thinks so too.  (This is where I would insert a…

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