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Tag: Full Moon

The Mammary Militia

The Mammary Militia

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The puppies are doing GREAT!….. This litter of Irish Wolfhound puppies has hit developmental-markers so much quicker & earlier than past litters….. I’m really not sure why or what’s the difference….. …..but…these guys are………….very…very sure of what they WANT…and WHEN they want it….. …..and they are plotting together on how to get it….. This is a very…very opinionated passel-of-pups………….they’re actually a little scary….. …..they’ve started to toddle & weave everywhere…their eyes are wide…

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Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon

Did you know that the Harvest Moon is the name for the full moon that occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox on any given year? So it changes from year to year…….hmmmmmmmmm. I did not know that. Cool… Usually September’s Moon is also known here as the Corn Moon or the Barley Moon. But this year it was the Harvest Moon and it also fell on Friday the Thirteenth… Even cooler… And a full moon on Friday the Thirteenth won’t…

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Perigee Moons

Perigee Moons

  Between December and the last day of this month, there have been (or will be) three full moons in perigee.  (Quick definition:  Perigee means the point where the moon’s (or anything’s) orbit is the closest to the earth.) So the last three full moons in a row have been at their closest point in their normal orbit around the earth, which means they look super big. Hence they’re are called “Super Moons”. They’re Super.  Super bright.  Super close.  Super…

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