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Tag: fox hunt

~~~It’s “That” Month Again~~~

~~~It’s “That” Month Again~~~

Tra!  La! I love October! It’s here again…..!….. I have years and years of accumulated Halloween decorations….. I’d start decorating in August if I could get away with it….. … it is….. Our zombie gnome stays on top of the refrigerator all year long….. …..and we have a big ceramic Jack-O-Lantern who always has a candle burning in him on the hearth….. …..and then there’s the trio of “see-no-evil/say-no-evil/hear-no-evil skulls on the mantel (all year long)-(covered in dust)….. …..I feel…

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Hunter Pace

Hunter Pace

  For this Hunter Pace, we were at a new venue much further south than usual.   It was a beautiful day. Sunny, blue skies, nice temperatures.   Lots and Lots and lots of people and horses. I didn’t ride.  I helped sell merchandise. Well no, I didn’t help much at all…………….I mostly socialized… But it was super fun.   In the early morning hours, my younger daughter and I met up with my good friend Simone (Jt. Master of…

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