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Tag: foaling

*****The Next Step*****

*****The Next Step*****

*******Disclaimer:   There Will Be Gross Farm Photos In This Post******* Resilient…….Or Maybe Just Dumb/Stupid/& Stubborn… I don’t know… I think I’m just too old to change… It’s all I know… But like I’ve said before……. …..Life Is A Twelve-Step Program….. …..and so, I’ll take “that” next step………….it’s all I can do… Addy is making a solid comeback, physically… Her temperature has been acceptable (I take it twice daily…) At this stage, you have to be on the watch for…

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~~~~~~~Addy Had A Filly~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~Addy Had A Filly~~~~~~~

(Disclaimer*****Remember This Is A Farm Post*****Some Photos Are Graphic) I’ll post photos of Addy & her new filly… I’ll write more later… I’m just too exhausted right now… Addy birthed a filly at about 9:30AM on June 10th… Mom and daughter are up, breathing, & alive…….but there were complications… It was what’s called a “Red Bag” delivery… I’m too tired to explain right now… My older daughter and I still have a lot to do… All I can say is……….

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~~~Addy Pooped!~~~~~~~(a fecal sojourn)~~~

~~~Addy Pooped!~~~~~~~(a fecal sojourn)~~~

Tra!  La!    Tra!  La!     Tra!  La! Addy took a dump! It’s amazing the things you celebrate on a farm… Horses drinking… Horses pooping… …’s not just confined to horses, though… applies to everybody……. …..the Trifecta–Of–Life……. …..(eating, drinking, poo’ing & pee’ing…..and that’s not a trifecta, is it?)… …..(quad-fecta?) You become a poop-connoisseur when you work with animals……. … it moist?……. … it formed?……. … much volume?……. …..any worms?……. …..what’s the texture?……. …..what’s the color?….. …..can you break it…

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………………………And We’re Waiting………………………

………………………And We’re Waiting………………………

So this is what happens inside a horse mom….. *****Foaling Basics***** A foal develops for about eleven months (give or take sixty days—–yep, SIXTY (60) days!) Ahead of birthing…..the baby drops down lower into the mare’s belly and the future mom can even appear to have a sway-back at that time… Then ideally, as the foal is being readied for delivery, the baby (somehow) organizes itself… ……and starts to travel back towards the mare’s pelvic-girdle…..while it’s twisting around to be…

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