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Tag: florida summer

Outdoor Projects Are On Hold

Outdoor Projects Are On Hold

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** There are so many projects which are stacking up….. There’s a line-up of “Have To’s” on our list of “To Do’s”….. The majority of them have already been started…and necessarily put on hold…because of the scorching heat & electrical rainstorms….. Anything that needs to be finished…is just waiting in the wings…(the hot stifling wings)….. …..the pending projects are temporarily hanging together with duct tape and zip-ties and spit….. Having recently complained about our…

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~Un-Planned Vet Visit~

~Un-Planned Vet Visit~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I was just about to write an up-date on Acacias…(he’s huge)….. He’s just turned six months old….. But before I could finish…Acacias decided to make an emergency visit to the veterinarian….. A couple days ago…my daughters and I and Acacias…spent hours in Doctor Russell’s office….. Acacias is fine now…but at the time…we were sure he was a goner….. Puppy-Boy had been up to no good in the back yard….. …..his malfeasance was quick…

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*Summer Heat & Dirty Windows*

*Summer Heat & Dirty Windows*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Like it or not….. The Sizzle of Summer Is Just Around The Corner….. It’s prep-time for perspiration….. Soon…we’ll willingly be in lock-down and indoors….. I need to make sure all the ceiling fans are balanced….. …..or else I’ll be manic & twitchy from the insistent/incessant clicking by the end of the summer….. …..(those of you who rely on A/C and ceiling fans (to keep the air moving) know what I mean)….. Every room…

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The Air Conditioning Debacle

The Air Conditioning Debacle

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** ***What’s a Debacle?*** What’s a debacle?…our air conditioner repair…that’s what’s a debacle….. It’s a fairly new system…it was installed in 2019…it’s a Carrier…(they’re supposed to be good at this cool-air-stuff…it’s still under warranty)….. It’s August…in a Florida/steamy swamp…I smell…the daily highs are in the mid to upper 90F’s…with a “feels like” temperature of 115+ degrees….. This is Day #11 and counting (without air conditioning)….. Our poorly architected house (***See: “A/C Kaput”***)…is a steaming…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Air Conditioning is a life-line here in Florida….. The pre-air-conditioned house architecture here in the South built houses that self-cooled in the summer….. The big encompassing verandas helped cool the air before the hot air entered the house….. The houses were raised off the ground with crawl-spaces underneath to allow more air circulation….. In addition…they were built with the prevailing breezes in mind….. They’d have shotgun hallways down the middle from front to…

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***My Sad Truck!***

***My Sad Truck!***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** My truck desperately needs some TLC….. We are now in the deep middle of Florida’s sub-tropical/humid/hot/hot/hot summer….. …..remember a few months ago…when dear Molly evacuated her bowels totally all over my truck’s old/cracked upholstery….. …..(and then she proceeded to finger-paint and skate all over my truck’s back seat)….. …..I scrubbed and I scrubbed….. I’m here to say…that now with the advent of July’s humid/sticky heat….. …..things aren’t going well from an olfactory-standpoint…while you’re…

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Ouch!…..and Other Mishaps of Summer…

Ouch!…..and Other Mishaps of Summer…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** It’s that steaming…..caked…..moldy…..fungus-growing…..time of the summer….. Everything is driven by the intolerance  &  irritability with the heat….. Everyone’s tempers are high and patience…..short….. Even little things…..when they go wrong…..they seem….. … much more…..gargantuan….. Like…..I misplaced (lost) my camera….. …..(the one I take stupid pictures on for my Blog)….. …..I’m sure I put it someplace very safe….. …..but my short-term (and long-term) memory…

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What We Do In The Summer…

What We Do In The Summer…

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* It’s super hot outside….. So…’s easy to be sequestered in the air-conditioning of the house….. …..not a real hard choice….. …’s much like reverse-winter-cabin-fever….. But it can get boring….. And it’s a safe bet that if left to my own devices….. …..the out-come is not always a good thing….. There are a number of things I “COULD” be constructively doing….. …..for example…..the tile in the bathroom needs caulking….. …..all…

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The A/C Is Kaput!

The A/C Is Kaput!

How did they live in the South before air-conditioning?   How did they do it? (A lot of mint juleps I would guess.)   Our compressor seized yesterday…  It seized and died…   There’s no fixing it this time… It has to be replaced.     *****Monty Pyton’s “Dead Parrot” Skit*****         To reiterate my husband’s Monty Python quotes from after my last egg post——-our A/C is no more…….it has succumbed…….it is no longer pining for the…

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Fort Lonesome

Fort Lonesome

    Yes, Fort Lonesome is a place in Florida. And yes, my younger daughter & I were there today working in one of Mary Constance’s pasture with horses, in a farm between Fort Lonesome and Wimauma, Florida…………………….it was brutally hot. …………and yes, we both got heat exhaustion………… I had thought I was doing all right…………just seeing double a little bit…………….a few wobbly steps……………..the top of my head was boiling (yes, no work gloves & no hat)……………but that’s kind of…

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