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Tag: flaxseed oil



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Sam has moved on….. I would have loved for him to stay longer…..but that wasn’t the plan….. …..I only recently figured out that he was eleven years old….. …..he was older than I thought….. I miss him a lot….. He was my buddy….. …..A Good Good Friend….. Archimedes and Sam were litter mates…..they were the oldest boys here….. But last year Sam developed a urinary tract issue…..not terribly unusual for neutered male cats……..

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*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel***** Here’s an up-date on Sam….. He’s still a cool dude….. Sam’s the kitty-kat-ums who had the urinary blockage and had to go to Doctor Russell’s for an emergency visit….. He’s still amongst us…..he’s not pushing up daisy’s…..yet…..(sigh)….. ***Sam’s Earlier Pee-Pee Blockage Post*** …..he’s only eight years old….. …..cats are built like airplane engines…..if you take care of them…..they’ll last a long time….. …..except for the urinary-tract-issues with neutered boys……..

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