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Tag: fire place

***Cozy Winter Fires***

***Cozy Winter Fires***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* This is the perfect time of year for me….. It’s cold (for Florida)….. It’s overcast (a lot of the time)….. And it all creates the perfect ambience for keeping a fire going in our den….. We don’t need a roaring/huge fire…we don’t need to augment the room’s temperature much….. …..but the glow and crackle make for a perfect mood-setting and safe & sound feeling….. I’ve remedied last year’s smoky down-drafts (I think)….. It…

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Happy Yule

Happy Yule

  Yet another fire is burning in our fireplace. The backyard continues to be cleaned up of any of this year’s fallen wood debris, as I continue to burn everything & anything I can fit into the fireplace…   Like I’ve said before………… It doesn’t have to be pretty/pristine or perfectly chain-sawed pieces of wood………..   It just needs to be something I can drag/heave/break/stomp/or hoist into the fireplace to burn…     Burn—baby—burn…         The Christmas…

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It’s Pyro-Technic-Time!!!

It’s Pyro-Technic-Time!!!

  It’s time for Florida’s three days of cold.  I have seven cords of wood. I’m ready. I spent a day with the front-end-loader picking up and stacking firewood.  I’ve knocked off carpenter ants, red ants, worms, chameleons that aren’t chameleons (but I can’t remember what they are actually called).  I wore gloves and boots and the weather was cool-ish, so the likely-hood of highly interactive, poisonous snakes was on the low side.  But I kept my one-good-eye peeled for…

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