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Tag: etiquette

Learning Gate Manners

Learning Gate Manners

Manners don’t come easy….. They have to be taught…..learned….and….. …..repeatedly…..repeated….. … know….. …..rinse…..lather…..repeat….. …..and again…..and again…..and again….. Finley doesn’t want to learn manners….. Finley doesn’t like manners….. Finley doesn’t believe in boundaries….. Finley likes the wind in his hair and wide open spaces….. Manners are just too restrictive for Mister I-Wanna-Be-Free/I-Gotta-Be-Me….. Well…..all I have to say to that is….. …..HA…..!!!…..not in my pasture, Rocket Man!…… Like we’ve said before… just gotta get in there when they’re young to teach them…

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