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Tag: Election

Independence Day

Independence Day

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yesterday was the Fourth of July….. We celebrated with spare ribs (St. Louis style)…baked beans…corn on the cob…and watermelon (with seeds)….. …..(don’t get me started on seedless GMO fruits and vegetables…give me the seeds…and a real melon)….. The day was a nice day….. …..really relaxed…and calm….. Fireworks were on TV…and no one wanted to drive to the beach to watch the displays over the Gulf of Mexico….. It would’ve been pretty…and it’s not…

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***Still Don’t Know***

***Still Don’t Know***

We still don’t know where “Hurricane Eta” is going….. …..or what strength she is going to be when she gets there….. We still don’t know who our next President is going to be….. ……..we don’t….. It looks like it is going to take awhile longer….. I do know………….however………….that I dropped my cell phone into the toilet….. …..yes…..I did….. … least that much I am sure of….. Who knows what will happen with Eta or the Presidency….. …..I don’t….. However…..I DO…

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…..Really…..?….. …..Really…..?….. …..ETA…..?….. …..what the hell…..!!!…..???…..!!! ***ETA…..?…..*** …..COME ON!!!….. ***More On Eta*** JUST WHEN DOES HURRICANE SEASON END!!!!!?!!!!! I know…..I’m DONE with it…..!!!….. (FYI—–November 30th…..@#$%^&*&^%%$*) …..I’m afraid to ask…..what’s the Greek alphabet’s letter after “Eta”…..? …..(apparently it’s “Theta”…..just in case you were wondering)….. …..maybe before Eta hits…..we’ll know who is going to be our next President….. …..maybe….. …..And…..          

*****Non-Partisan News Flash*****

*****Non-Partisan News Flash*****

It’s “THAT” Day….. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY….. By the time this is posted…..our elections will be well-underway….. …..(Thank God)….. Weird…..Strange…..Powerful…..Times…..We Are Living In….. And I definitely hope & encourage you to exercise your right to vote….. …..whichever candidate you are voting for….. …..just get out and vote….. My family already has….. …..we straddle the political divide….. …..we’ve picked up our Wiffle bats and had at it…..repeatedly….. …..did I mention…..repeatedly…..(?)….. I know that I am definitely looking forward to November the 4th……..

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