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Tag: ducklings

Less Ducks In A Row?

Less Ducks In A Row?

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Well…Damn….. Remember my post…back the end of May…when Doctor Brigid and I were sipping “tea” on the mounting block and watching for the Runner Duck hen to come off her nest for food & water?….. …..and we waited….. …..and we waited….. …..and she never showed….. *************Guys—I’m a little slow on the up-take************* …..maybe she’s not on a nest?….. …..maybe she’s not coming back?….. Maybe she was one of Rocket’s first meals?………….(well…damn)….. In hindsight…(why…

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Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

Ducklings…..or Chicks…..?

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Which are they?………….are they going to be baby ducks or baby chickens…..?….. I’ve done this quite a few times in the past…some might even say I’m an aficionado….. I may have been a bit too cavalier when picking out the Runner Duck eggs from the daily cache of eggs….. …..they’re bigger than chicken eggs…rounder at both ends…and denser-feeling to the touch….. …..Easy Peasy…..right?….. …..Yep………….well………….Nope….. I picked out the appropriate sizes…shapes…and colors….. …..and after…

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…..Pipping Away…..

…..Pipping Away…..

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Where Mother Nature has a will…..there’s a way….. I can hear “ticking” and “clicking” inside the incubator coming from inside some of the eggs….. … egg-hatching-jargon that’s called “pipping”….. There’s internal and external “pipping”….. When babies are hatching from an egg…..they score around the inside of the egg shell….. …..then if everything goes well….. …..they break through and continue chipping and chirping and scoring their way around the outside-layer of the shell until…

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Future Ducklings?

Future Ducklings?

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I know my posting about eggs may have gotten repetitive….. …..the egg-production here is still at an over-whelming level….. The roadside vegetable stand where I used to sell them closed down…..I have to find another one…..ASAP….. I started the incubator to give a shot at hatching out some ducklings again….. I never know if the Runner Duck eggs will mature and hatch….. …..they’re just so dirty….. There are nice/dry/straw-lined places for the ducks…

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Not ANOTHER Poultry Posting…….(?)

Not ANOTHER Poultry Posting…….(?)

It’s almost June… The Runner Ducks have been laying eggs all through the spring months… Their eggs are big…..about the size of 1  1/2 jumbo eggs… And their shells are like cement… …..they are tasty… …..BUT wait!……. …..I have an incubator… So it wasn’t a big stretch that curiosity would take over, and I would start collecting and incubating the Runner Duck’s eggs… …..and baby ducks are SO CUTE!!……. …..big floppy feet……. …..over-sized beaks……. Adorable! ***Black Runner Ducks*** The Black…

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