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Tag: Drum

………………………And We’re Waiting………………………

………………………And We’re Waiting………………………

So this is what happens inside a horse mom….. *****Foaling Basics***** A foal develops for about eleven months (give or take sixty days—–yep, SIXTY (60) days!) Ahead of birthing…..the baby drops down lower into the mare’s belly and the future mom can even appear to have a sway-back at that time… Then ideally, as the foal is being readied for delivery, the baby (somehow) organizes itself… ……and starts to travel back towards the mare’s pelvic-girdle…..while it’s twisting around to be…

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When? Addy! When?

When? Addy! When?

I hate this part… I hated waiting when I was pregnant… I hate waiting now… I want to DO something… Dr. Stevie Wonder said Addy would deliver sometime in May or June… …..well, fifty percent of that time is over now………….STEVIE!! Twiddling thumbs is not my strong point….. Addy’s looking large….. …..she always looks large…, she’s absolutely ginormous… …’s fun playing the game of trying to guess what the pokie-bit is that’s jutting out on her side….. … it a…

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