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Tag: donkeys

*****We Need A Donkey*****

*****We Need A Donkey*****

…..or I’ll willingly take a mule….. ….I’ve been told by a number of old farmers that a mule or a donkey will keep coyotes and wolves away from a herd of goats or cows….. …..I was recently validated while streaming “Yellowstone” the television series (the rancher one…not the park documentary)….. …..and it was even brought up on one of their episodes that an ornery mule will help to safeguard a herd of cattle against wolves….. *****Hey, If Kevin Costner Says…

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Just A Little Dip

Just A Little Dip

  Okay, Lola. I’m trying to show I can stick to one subject, and not be a schizophrenic writer with my journaling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s the last of the third part of my exceptionally long journal entry from February 6th. which I divided into three parts. And hopefully the turning of a new leaf in my blogging………………more often……………..less volume…………………and fewer topics/per blog. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s a fun little fact: To this day my sister, Betty Joe Bob and I are not smokers…

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Bad Playgrounds ~~~ #2

Bad Playgrounds ~~~ #2

    The continued adventures of Betty Joe Bob and me.  And why fate & kismet must have needed us to hang around…………….. Enter stage left~~~us~~~in the early 1950’s.  The stage is set~~~rural, northeastern Ohio.  Just south of Lake Erie. Betty Joe Bob (my cousin) and I are left to our own devices…………… Entertainment is high on the list.  What to do…what to do…………….. Some children have a Radio-Flyer/little red wagons.  Some have sand boxes. Some have swing sets.  Many…

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Sand Spurs

Sand Spurs

  They’re back. Just when you thought there were enough weird things in semi-tropical Florida—–here’s another fun little plant………………Sand Spurs. Mother Nature’s painful idea of a plant being able to traverse and re-populate. It’s that time of year when everything is going to seed.  Dandelions are nice when they go to seed.  Plus they’re a good tea but a better wine. They are a gentle weed.   The fluffy little, poofy things wafting in the air are so pretty.  Very…

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