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Tag: deer

~~~Yesterday Morning~~~

~~~Yesterday Morning~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Since Acacias’ arrival…our morning routine starts with taking all the dogs outside….. …..they run…and play…and pee & poop…and run…and play…some more….. My older daughter and I aim for the hay bales (which are stored in the backyard)….. They double as semi-safe/elevated seats from marauding hounds…with sloppy faces…and cold noses….. It’s was beautiful watching the morning sun come up…(an actual zen-moment)…(if the Irish Wolfhounds weren’t trying to drag us off the bales)….. Earlier there…

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Deer With Attitudes

Deer With Attitudes

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The local/wild deer are driving our Irish Wolfhounds nuts!….. We co-exist here with a lot of wildlife all around us/all the time….. …..even with livestock-fencing around our backyard…the deer still bounce in and hang out….. …..there are so many other places they could choose….. …..safer places…more secluded places…quieter places…(btw—I know where the local 10-point buck hangs out during Deer Season)….. We have regulars…who pop over the fence and browse or nap or whatever…

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~~Blackberry Sadness~~

~~Blackberry Sadness~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** If I’m anything…..I’m stubborn….. Why…..with all of the surrounding-varied-excessive vegetation that surrounds us….. …..why did someone (or something) decide to zero in on my poor/struggling blackberry bushes…..(?)….. I just wanted to start some easy-growing/old-fashioned berry bushes along the pasture fence line….. That’s all I wanted….. I wanted to stop strangers from proffering apples or carrots or whatever over the fence to our horses because the thorny berry bushes would keep them away….. ……..anti-social…..(?)…..HA!……..

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