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Tag: Danny Zuko

***Acacias Montage***

***Acacias Montage***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Ca-Castrophy….. Ca-Chaos….. Ca-lossal….. Ca-Cacias….. Well…I thought it was time for…an Acacias Up-Date….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~He’s Large~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …..he’s grown….. He’s not a year old yet…I think his birthday’s the last week in January….. It’s hard to tell with Irish Wolfhounds…their size makes you think they’re adults…their actions tell you otherwise…. I thought I’d do a montage-esque picture parade for you….. Acacias doesn’t think he’s grown as large as he has….. He thinks he’s the same size…he…

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***Otto versus Danny***

***Otto versus Danny***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Apparently there was a slap down fight in the front yard that I knew nothing about…(until much later)….. Apparently (as per my younger daughter)…it was totally unprovoked….. Apparently Otto won….. I know I’m a control freak…I hate when I’m not on top of things….. …..and that is what recently happened….. Danny (my younger daughter’s Papillon) normally is on the back of the couch….. …..around noon recently…I noticed that he wasn’t really napping…but was…

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Iditarod Danny

Iditarod Danny

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* He’s only 4 1/2 pounds….. …..but he’s savage….. He wears a little nylon-mesh harness 24/7….. …..because he’s tiny…..and sneaky…..and he uses his tiny-ness to his advantage to fly under the radar….. …..and run away from my younger daughter….. …..his only job is to be her companion & lapdog…..(tough life)….. …..Pascal…..I don’t know if you remember…..but my daughter is visually impaired…..(red-tipped/white cane and all) … Danny doesn’t have to be…

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Danny vs. Copernicus

Danny vs. Copernicus

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* ~~~~~~~The Great “Kitty/Papillon Smack-Down” continues!!!~~~~~~~ *****~~~~~~~Danny Zucko versus Copernicus~~~~~~~***** I’m taking bets….. Danny (the dog) always starts the fights….. …..the cats always finish it….. …..(oops, I guess I just shut down the betting potential, huh)….. His other sparing-partner is Prosecco….. I’ll tell you right now…..Danny is ALWAYS the whiney-looser….. …..he’s a fluffy-whoosie….. …..(don’t tell my younger daughter I said that)….. …..(well actually…that’s not true…he does regularly make the Wolfhounds…

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