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Tag: D-Mannose



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Sam has moved on….. I would have loved for him to stay longer…..but that wasn’t the plan….. …..I only recently figured out that he was eleven years old….. …..he was older than I thought….. I miss him a lot….. He was my buddy….. …..A Good Good Friend….. Archimedes and Sam were litter mates…..they were the oldest boys here….. But last year Sam developed a urinary tract issue…..not terribly unusual for neutered male cats……..

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*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel***** Here’s an up-date on Sam….. He’s still a cool dude….. Sam’s the kitty-kat-ums who had the urinary blockage and had to go to Doctor Russell’s for an emergency visit….. He’s still amongst us…..he’s not pushing up daisy’s…..yet…..(sigh)….. ***Sam’s Earlier Pee-Pee Blockage Post*** …..he’s only eight years old….. …..cats are built like airplane engines…..if you take care of them…..they’ll last a long time….. …..except for the urinary-tract-issues with neutered boys……..

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Happiness Can Be A Puddle Of Pee…

Happiness Can Be A Puddle Of Pee…

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Just like all things in life….. …..everything is a matter of perspective….. What may make me caterwaul one day….. …..on another day….. …..I may celebrate the same thing….. This is what recently happened to Sam…..Sam’s my buddy….. …..he’s also an eight year old/neutered/male cat….. Probably a lot of you cat-lovers out there are already starting to nod your heads….. Sam was suddenly in pain…..I swear it happened in the…

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