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Tag: crown-piece

Update On Rocket Man (a.k.a. Finley)

Update On Rocket Man (a.k.a. Finley)

Well…..the dude’s got a name now….. …………………It’s Finley………………… …………………and he’s still a poop-head………………… …..but…..he’s a healthy/growing/robust…..poop-head….. …..(FYI…..he still warrants the nickname Rocket Man with his razor-sharp/honed/aimed/accurate/double-barreled kicks)….. …..(plus now he’s learning to pop-up with his front feet)….. …..(and just around the corner… week…..he’ll be striking out with his front hooves)….. We’ve had enough foals here to know ahead of time what’s on the little dude’s agenda….. He’s just following the normal protocol for learning the ABC’s of horse-dom….. Don’t get…

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~~~Hats Off To Mary Constance~~~

~~~Hats Off To Mary Constance~~~

Rocket Man is two weeks old…..   …..we’re going through the early steps in his training….. He’s donned his baby halter (and it kept on…that’s a feat in itself)….. He’s quickly learned how to lead….. …..we’ve learned that you can pull all you want on a baby’s lead rope (where it’s attached to the front end)….. …..but if he doesn’t want to move….. … can’t make him….. … have to scoop the long end of the lead rope around his…

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