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Tag: Creosote

The Sweep Delivered

The Sweep Delivered

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Mister Sweep has come…swept…and deemed our fireplace….. …..Fire-Worthy….. …..apparently the creosote accumulation wasn’t that bad….. Phew………….I was expecting bad news….. …..the people who worked on enclosing our porch…said that the stucco was cracked on the exterior of the chimney…and needed to be repaired & re-stuccoed (btw: they did stuccoing)….. We knew we needed a chimney cap…’cuz there wasn’t one….. We knew we wanted the interior checked for cracks…(there weren’t any)…. …..I don’t burn…

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***Fireplace Flue***

***Fireplace Flue***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I know our fireplace needs to be checked out….. But…I don’t know what I’m looking at….. I need to invest some more time on YouTube…and see what extra tidbits I can learn….. I AM collecting chimney-jargon….. …..up-draft…down-draft…shiny creosote (versus other creosotes?)…smoke shelf…T.S.P. (trisodium phosphate)…damper…flue…chimney cap…and the National Chimney Sweep Guild….. Probably that last one…is the one I should try really hard to remember….. They have a website where you can search for qualified…

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*Chimney Repair*

*Chimney Repair*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yep…our chimney’s needed some prompt attention for quite some time now….. Replacing the chimney cap can’t be put off any longer….. We used to be a one bucket family….. But now we’ve progressed to being a two bucket home….. And…I’d like to point out that during rain storms…the rainwater runs down the chimney…across the hearth…and onto the den floor in a sooty-slurry….. …..messy stuff….. …..(however…it does have a nice after-burn/creosote smell to it…I…

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***Leaking Hose & Sparking Toad***

***Leaking Hose & Sparking Toad***

They do rhyme…but they aren’t related… Other than…they all needed to be fixed… With a farm and an old house…..there are always repairs…..on-going/mind-dumbing repairs… Maybe if I won the lottery…..everything could get fixed… But that would mean I would have to remember to buy a lottery ticket… I never seem to… After paying for groceries…I’m too busy trying to get my unmelted Blue Bell ice cream into the truck…and I don’t remember to buy a ticket… So…..forget hiring farm help…

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Creosote & Copper Sulphate…..good times…

Creosote & Copper Sulphate…..good times…

  I was told by my friend, Lola, that I write like a schizophrenic. She’s probably right………………………… …..I do. But take some pity.  All of you floating on that cloud-thing out there.  It’s simple for you to just stop reading, or walk away, or click out, or hang up & delete………………………..I’m stuck in this room in my mind……………………….you guys can leave the room any time you want…………………… can just walk out the door……………………..I’m stuck in this room like an inmate…

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