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Tag: colostrum

~~~Let’s Talk Poop~~~

~~~Let’s Talk Poop~~~

I want to pass along some simple things that I’ve learned over the years….. We’ve talked about the need for a mother’s colostrum for her babies….. …..this applies to goats…..and dogs…..and cats…..and horses…..and humans….. When a baby horse is born (or a baby goat…..or puppy…..or whatever…..) …..not only do you have to be aware of what is going in the front end….. …..but you have to watch what comes out the back end too….. Mammal babies (when they are inside…

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~~~Claire And Her Colt~~~

~~~Claire And Her Colt~~~

Bright and early the next morning…..(or was it just a continuation of the dawn’s twilight from the extended night we just went through?)….. …..Doctor Stevie Wonder arrived….. Patrice (See Glossary) was hauled up over my pajamas…..and we staggered out to the barn again….. …’s important to have a foal and mare checked as early as possible after any delivery….. There are some very important tests that need to be done….. …..the afterbirth needs to be evaluated by the veterinarian…… …..and…

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