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Tag: Cockroaches

To Every Season…..

To Every Season…..

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *****(The Byrds—Turn! Turn! Turn!)***** …..(apropos nothing…but I was a freshman in high school when that song came out)….. But I digress….. There are Seasons for everything….. There are Seasons for Locusts….. There are Seasons for Cicadas….. …..and Monarch Butterflies….. All sorts of scheduled and timed critters….. But currently…we are finding ourselves knee-deep in Palmetto Bugs….. I would much rather hear the drone of the busy Cicada…creating relaxing white noise…while I drift off to…

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~~~This Summer’s Drought~~~

~~~This Summer’s Drought~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Here’s a fun little fact about humid sub-tropical climates…(and probably tropical ones too)….. *****(Where Are The Sub-Tropics?)***** When there’s not enough moisture in the air or the ground (how is that EVER possible in a Swamp?)….. …..then the assortment of small (and LARGE) crawling things…slither and clatter out of their hidey-holes and attempt to come into your house (by whatever means necessary)…to get more water….. *****(Bugs Need A Drink Too)***** And…there’s been an…

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