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Tag: Christina

***Vet’s Visit***

***Vet’s Visit***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** An appointment with Doctor Stevie Wonder was made….. There were several things that needed to be done or checked….. Doctor Wonder pulled blood from Anja & Claire….. …..given Addy’s sudden death…it was suggested to me…and seemed prudent…to check both mare’s blood panels….. ……we await the results….. AND…we wanted Doctor W to evaluate Claire’s hind hoof “abscess”….. The good doctor had quite the potpourri of things to do during this appointment….. I’ve always marveled…

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When? Addy! When?

When? Addy! When?

I hate this part… I hated waiting when I was pregnant… I hate waiting now… I want to DO something… Dr. Stevie Wonder said Addy would deliver sometime in May or June… …..well, fifty percent of that time is over now………….STEVIE!! Twiddling thumbs is not my strong point….. Addy’s looking large….. …..she always looks large…, she’s absolutely ginormous… …’s fun playing the game of trying to guess what the pokie-bit is that’s jutting out on her side….. … it a…

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Yesterday’s Hunt

Yesterday’s Hunt

  Up at 3:45AM.   Out the door by 4:30.   Spinach Dip and Cracked Pepper Corn Irish Soda Bread packed for the Tea (pot luck) along with a bottle of Chicken Whine for Simone (one of our Masters/and friend). My younger daughter and I are going to the Hunt. At the fixture, it’s still pre-dawn.  Arriving trucks and horse trailers are doing their aluminum and steel, well-reversed dance in & around the trees in a pasture, in the dark,…

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Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

It’s a rainy Saturday.  I’m temporarily fairly immobile.  I have another knee replacement awaiting me in the near future.  So what to do?  I’ve got it!  I’ll blog some more.  That’s what I’ll do.  So here’s a fun little story from this last spring. Becky is a mare from our breeding here.  She is 1/2 Belgian and 1/2 Paint.  She herself is a pretty black & white paint.  And she thinks so too.  (This is where I would insert a…

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