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Tag: chimney cap

The Sweep Delivered

The Sweep Delivered

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Mister Sweep has come…swept…and deemed our fireplace….. …..Fire-Worthy….. …..apparently the creosote accumulation wasn’t that bad….. Phew………….I was expecting bad news….. …..the people who worked on enclosing our porch…said that the stucco was cracked on the exterior of the chimney…and needed to be repaired & re-stuccoed (btw: they did stuccoing)….. We knew we needed a chimney cap…’cuz there wasn’t one….. We knew we wanted the interior checked for cracks…(there weren’t any)…. …..I don’t burn…

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*Chimney Repair*

*Chimney Repair*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yep…our chimney’s needed some prompt attention for quite some time now….. Replacing the chimney cap can’t be put off any longer….. We used to be a one bucket family….. But now we’ve progressed to being a two bucket home….. And…I’d like to point out that during rain storms…the rainwater runs down the chimney…across the hearth…and onto the den floor in a sooty-slurry….. …..messy stuff….. …..(however…it does have a nice after-burn/creosote smell to it…I…

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Functional Chimney Caps

Functional Chimney Caps

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** What’s that old expression…..?….. It has to do with not appreciating something…..until it’s gone…..?….. …..that applies to so many things….. But what about if you never even knew you had something….. …..then you realize that IF you had it….. …..things would/could have been so much better?….. I’d like to apply that to our dysfunctional/broken chimney cap….. Who knew there was such…

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