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Tag: carrots

The Afternoon Loop

The Afternoon Loop

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Preventing illness and injury is far better than dealing with the aftermath….. Over the years…I’ve tried to keep track of who needs what booster shots and/or medicines….. I’ve either done it by memory…or by season…then the wall calendar…then it was a floppy disk…then back to the RoloDex…now on to a SmartPhone….. But…not my SmartPhone…my older daughter’s…my phone is smarter than me…and I judge it for that…and I avoid it whenever & wherever possible……..

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~Brave’s Coming Along~

~Brave’s Coming Along~

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* It’s a slow process with the big dude….. …..but we are making headway….. He’s a big-teddy-bear-doofus…..a big/insecure pony….. We have a halter on him now…..he knows how to lunge…..but he doesn’t like to be touched around his face….. *****What’s Lungeing***** Leading…..handling…..bathing…..medical-care…..trailering…..all require a lot of face-touching….. However…..I have found his undeniable weakness….. ……little…..itty-bitty…..tiny…..peeled…..carrots….. Don’t get me wrong…..he’ll take the big/non-peeled ones too….. …..but with the little ones…..he has to…

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