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Tag: botulism type b

~~~Redundant & Compulsive~~~

~~~Redundant & Compulsive~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** …..and I don’t care….. …..being compulsive has often helped me over the years….. …..few things can or should be ignored when floundering in the deep-end with animal-husbandry….. So….. …..we are revisiting the subject of botulism poisoning in horses….. It struck again here in Florida….. …..not our farm….. …..twenty-two horses in Florida have recently died from Botulism Type-B poisoning….. I’ve said before…..the…

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To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Well…that’s the question….. We’ve started having people leaning over the front fence trying to feed and attract the horses to come closer….. In the past…..I was cool with that….. …..not so much anymore….. …..I’m sure you remember…..four years ago we lost so many (9) of our horses (our friends) to poisoning….. ~~~”The Final Report”, Blog-Post~~~ ~~~”It’s Not Over Yet”, Blog-Post~~~ We…

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I haven’t written about the advent of Anja yet… Anja is now my younger daughter’s new horse. She’s a Norwegian Fjord horse. Just like my daughter’s previous therapy horse, Sonja (who died tragically from botulism poisoning in the Spring of 2018). *****Post-April 24, 2018: “Sad, Sad, Gut-Wrenching & Sad” Plus, Anja is also related to Sonja!              She really is!!! I “happened” upon Anja’s “For Sale” ad…….in a South Dakota newspaper……. …..(okay, I may have…

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Addy——Here We Go Again…

Addy——Here We Go Again…

So now let’s delve into the “Saga-of-Addy”……. Or maybe, given our recent two year span, it should be called “The Sad Sojourn of the Farm in the Swamp”(?) Addy seemed off her food two weeks ago…….her head-set was carried lower than normal…….her eye focus was not quite right……. …….you know, all those intangible things that set off flares and alarms!?!… So, I started taking her temperature… It was elevated…………. …..103.4F….. …..@#$%$#@! Our vet zipped by and took blood for comparative…

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Final Report

Final Report

  We just received the final results from all of the testing. Becky’s necropsy was performed at the Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory with the Florida Department of Agriculture in Kissimmee, Florida.  (Thank you Lola, for insisting on & paying for the necropsy). The mare was transported, post mortem, in a very timely fashion to the lab. It was concluded that she did die of poisoning. All seven of our horses, and Annie, died with the same symptoms.  The first…

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