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Tag: botulism

I’ve Put Off Writing This Post

I’ve Put Off Writing This Post

I haven’t wanted to write this post….. I’ve delayed and avoided it….. …..but we finally got back all the test results….. *****Well…Here Goes…Disclaimer…This Is A Farm Post…There’s Life And There’s Death That Happen On A Farm***** …..For some unknown reason………….Finley died suddenly….. I’ll include copies of the bloodwork and tests we got back….. But none of them were helpful…or informative…they were a waste of time/paper/& money….. My older daughter and I were with Finley…consoling him…while he died…it was an ugly…agonizing…protracted…

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Tubby Anja

Tubby Anja

Anja has had her third botulism vaccination now… We need to wait a couple weeks…..and then we can bring her home……. …..from now on, she will get her one annual botulism booster along with all of the other horses here… Recently, my younger daughter and I went to visit Anja at Suzanne-Annette’s farm… We were able to try on her new blinged-out, (knock-off) Swarovski-crystal bridle-browband……. (…..Santa had given it to my younger daughter…) Anja looks gorgeous. While there, we tried…

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Final Report

Final Report

  We just received the final results from all of the testing. Becky’s necropsy was performed at the Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory with the Florida Department of Agriculture in Kissimmee, Florida.  (Thank you Lola, for insisting on & paying for the necropsy). The mare was transported, post mortem, in a very timely fashion to the lab. It was concluded that she did die of poisoning. All seven of our horses, and Annie, died with the same symptoms.  The first…

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