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Tag: Black Vulture

They’ve Moved On

They’ve Moved On

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It appears our Congress has moved on….. It appears that we have been rejected as a suitable roost….. Wow…to be dis’d by vultures………….now that speaks volumes….. I think my feelings are hurt….. …..maybe…the fact that the Wolfhounds ate one….. …..maybe that could be a driving force for their decision to relocate….. …..(I think it would make me consider moving too)….. …..(but come on…every hostess makes mistakes…using the wrong fork…talking with your mouth full…eating…

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~~~Guard Donkey~~~

~~~Guard Donkey~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** My last post was about a flock of Black Vultures who took up residency in our goat pasture….. I’m totally cool with them co-habitating with us….. …..I also understand that the world is made up of different creatures…who can only be…what they were meant to be….. …..Vultures…are…Vultures….. They will reliably look like a vulture….. …..and reliably act like a vulture….. I think people make the mistake of trying to expect more from an…

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We Are “The Roost”

We Are “The Roost”

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s official….. We are the neighborhood Five-Star “Roost for Vultures”….. …..Doctor Brigid deemed it so….. I don’t mind…I kind of like it… …..we’ve been chosen  &  declared appropriate for the area’s Black Vultures….. They’ve been here for months and months….. …..they stay in the back goat pasture….. Their official ground-zero is Mama Pig’s pen….. …..she lets them stay…I think she cuddles & naps with a few of them…Vinny…Victor…Veronica…&…Gustav….. …(I bet she doesn’t share…

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