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Tag: Bezoar

Embracing The Scavenger Within

Embracing The Scavenger Within

I had to follow up on my last post….. My older daughter & I did go out in “the back”….. …..we went back there with the intention of checking on the “status” of the late Isabella’s and Optimus Prime’s carcasses….. Vultures and buzzards have a necessary role to play in the world….. And the vultures have been very busy birds here….. …..a lot of people don’t like them….. …..we just refer to them as~~~”The Boys”~~~(my father started that label…..and it’s…

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Enteroliths & Bezoars

Enteroliths & Bezoars

  Having just dealt with Urinary Calculi in buck goats……. …….I got to thinking…….(always dangerous)… Professor Dillamond’s experience reminded me of other mineralized build-ups in the various mammals I’ve known… I fondly refer to them as gut-rocks. Apparently there are an entire assortment of types and locations in animals (the people-kind too). Florida seems to be an important culprit…     Maybe it’s the heat with the resulting sweating leading to chronic/constant semi-dehydration…   Or maybe it’s the minerals in…

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Goats, Hoo Hoo & Basic Addition

Goats, Hoo Hoo & Basic Addition

Just got back inside from bottle feeding several baby goats.  There are quite a few baby goats out there…………….quite a few. Definitely, one of the doelings will be named Irma. We normally have better herd management.   We normally know who is pregnant and when they are due.   All that went out the window when Irma blew through.       And given the goatie-population explosion out there, we need to get our adult goats interested in some other…

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