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Tag: Betty Joe-Bob

*****Crushing Candy*****

*****Crushing Candy*****

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* !!!My Phone Has Games On It!!! …..Who Knew?….. …..What A Good Idea!….. …..This is something that should be capitalized on!….. …..Think of the marketing potential!….. …..I’ve stumbled onto something Big!….. And so………….I have discovered mobile games…and I’ve succumbed….. I’ve stumbled into Candy Crush on my phone….. My older daughter is just shaking her head in resignation….. My younger daughter is ignoring my exaltations…because she’s deep into her phone’s bubble game….. …..But What A…

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The Bakelite Kitchen Radio

The Bakelite Kitchen Radio

*****Percy Faith & His Orchestra***** The kitchen is the heart of the home….. It is the essence of a house that engages all the senses….. That’s it’s job….. From an early age…..I figured that one out….. That’s where I would go for snacks (either officially proffered or unofficially snagged)….. That’s where my Grandma would let me lick the beaters…..or if I was extra lucky…..I might score licking out the bowl….. …..Betty Joe-Bob (my cousin) and I didn’t care what was in…

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This Little Piggy Went To Market…….

This Little Piggy Went To Market…….

Not as easy as it looks….. (getting a piggy to market) … took the better part of a day to accomplish it….. … took a village….. We currently have about fifteen pigs…..of various ages and sizes….. We started out with four (three girls and one boy)….. …..what can I say….. …..they got along quite well….. I suggested getting them cable TV (just to give them a distraction of something else to do in the privacy of their swamp)….. … didn’t…

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Age & Eyeballs

Age & Eyeballs

  I’ve got one good eye….. …..kind of….. But hey….. …..things could be worse….. I try to count my blessings…..whenever I can….. I went to the eye doctors recently to check up on my wonky eyes….. …..FYI….. …..they’re still wonky….. To begin with…..I come from the state of Ohio….. That where it all starts….. Firstly…..there is a condition called….. …..Histoplasmosis….. *****Histoplasmosis…..A Fungus Among-Us***** Apparently…..I grew up in the perfect setting for this disease to get a foot-hold (or an eye-hold)……..

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Just A Little Dip

Just A Little Dip

  Okay, Lola. I’m trying to show I can stick to one subject, and not be a schizophrenic writer with my journaling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s the last of the third part of my exceptionally long journal entry from February 6th. which I divided into three parts. And hopefully the turning of a new leaf in my blogging………………more often……………..less volume…………………and fewer topics/per blog. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s a fun little fact: To this day my sister, Betty Joe Bob and I are not smokers…

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Bad Playgrounds ~~~ #2

Bad Playgrounds ~~~ #2

    The continued adventures of Betty Joe Bob and me.  And why fate & kismet must have needed us to hang around…………….. Enter stage left~~~us~~~in the early 1950’s.  The stage is set~~~rural, northeastern Ohio.  Just south of Lake Erie. Betty Joe Bob (my cousin) and I are left to our own devices…………… Entertainment is high on the list.  What to do…what to do…………….. Some children have a Radio-Flyer/little red wagons.  Some have sand boxes. Some have swing sets.  Many…

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Bad Playgrounds

Bad Playgrounds

After one of my last blog posts about the oil lamp in my bedroom as a young child, I started thinking about my childhood pastimes and entertainment.  None of which had safety helmets, knee pads, or much parental-supervision.  I really only had two friends growing up and one wasn’t very good.  My best friend to this day is my cousin (time for another alias).  We will call her Betty Jo-Bob…………… Betty Jo-Bob is an extremely good sport.  She does, however,…

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