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Tag: Becky

To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Well…that’s the question….. We’ve started having people leaning over the front fence trying to feed and attract the horses to come closer….. In the past…..I was cool with that….. …..not so much anymore….. …..I’m sure you remember…..four years ago we lost so many (9) of our horses (our friends) to poisoning….. ~~~”The Final Report”, Blog-Post~~~ ~~~”It’s Not Over Yet”, Blog-Post~~~ We…

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When In Doubt…….Test Everything

When In Doubt…….Test Everything

  The post’s title says it all. And this is what we are doing. “Things” are being Over-Night’d and FedEx’d and U.P.S.’d everywhere. Cultures and petri dishes take various amounts of time to percolate and crystalize and separate…………but we are keeping a lot of slurries of agar very, very busy. My older daughter says that agar smells like chicken soup.  She identified the smell in the expensive, botulism-anti-toxin plasma that my older daughter’s friend drove up to Ocala to pick…

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We’re Still Here

We’re Still Here

It’s post-Irma.  We were so very lucky.  The eye went over us at about 2:30AM early on September 11th.  It was a Category 2 Hurricane by that time.  It could have been a Category 5 like in the Caribbean Islands.  We are so lucky.  We lost trees, but no lives.  We have fencing repairs, but not home repairs.  The sound is deafeningly quiet today.  I wouldn’t have thought it was so very loud during the storm.  But my ear drums…

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Mason & Becky—-Pining for the Fjords—-Re-Visited

Mason & Becky—-Pining for the Fjords—-Re-Visited

Weekends are for sleeping in.  Weekends are for relaxing and maybe completing projects around the home.  Hobbies, brunches, picking flowers come to mind as some of the more pleasant activities a person can plan and expect on any given Saturday or Sunday.  Or maybe a sporting event or Bar-B-Que or family get-together. Reality usually smacks us between the eyes.  If we are lucky, then reality waits until a little later in the mornings on the weekend. True to the norm…

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Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

Mason & Becky Sitting in a Tree

It’s a rainy Saturday.  I’m temporarily fairly immobile.  I have another knee replacement awaiting me in the near future.  So what to do?  I’ve got it!  I’ll blog some more.  That’s what I’ll do.  So here’s a fun little story from this last spring. Becky is a mare from our breeding here.  She is 1/2 Belgian and 1/2 Paint.  She herself is a pretty black & white paint.  And she thinks so too.  (This is where I would insert a…

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