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Tag: Beau

TD…TS…Hurricane Debby…TS…TD

TD…TS…Hurricane Debby…TS…TD

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Remember that children’s book?—“The Little Engine That Could”?….. Debby is that little hurricane that could….. Who would’ve thought that Tropical Depression 4 would become so opportunistic…that she’d still be out there wrecking havoc on so many peoples’ lives!?!….. She spluttered out of no where and just kept going…and growing?….. She may make it up to my family in Ohio yet!….. I even heard one meteorologist say that he wouldn’t be surprised if Debby…

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~Country Entertainment~

~Country Entertainment~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Your perspective changes when you live in the country….. Things that are considered entertainment in an urban or suburban environment…sometimes loose their appeal…when you’re out in the sticks….. I recently had a conversation with my old friend…Tess….. I was so excited about planning an idea for some future entertainment….. I had to share it with someone…and I knew she’d understand…we go way back…(way…way…back)….. During the summer heat in subtropical Florida…you do a lot…

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~~Porcine Romancing~~

~~Porcine Romancing~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Apparently my older daughter & I have become the Social/Romance Coordinators for our farm animals….. Of all our resume skills and talents…Wow!…this one’s right up there….. I’m not sure pride (or despondent resignation) comes into play here….. …..but it’s a useful skill nonetheless….. …..and someone has to do it…and a person should take pride in what they’re good at….. We brought Beau and Clover home after the first of the year….. I figured…they’ve…

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The Afternoon Loop

The Afternoon Loop

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Preventing illness and injury is far better than dealing with the aftermath….. Over the years…I’ve tried to keep track of who needs what booster shots and/or medicines….. I’ve either done it by memory…or by season…then the wall calendar…then it was a floppy disk…then back to the RoloDex…now on to a SmartPhone….. But…not my SmartPhone…my older daughter’s…my phone is smarter than me…and I judge it for that…and I avoid it whenever & wherever possible……..

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***KuneKune Valentines***

***KuneKune Valentines***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Beau and Clover are fitting in quite well….. They are napping and cuddling and enjoying themselves….. They are each others Valentine….. I thought today would be the appropriate day to write about their budding relationship….. ———————————————————– …..Beau & Clover sitting in a tree….. …..k-i-s-s-i-n-g….. Well…actually there’s no way they could climb a tree….. …..just the imagery…visualizing them balancing on a limb………….it boggles the mind….. These two pigs have been really easy to take…

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