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Tag: batteries

~Two Steps Forward~

~Two Steps Forward~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** She Did It!….. My older daughter fixed my Truck….. The old girl’s rolling again!…(by that I mean the truck…not me)…… My daughter took out and took in the alternator and had it tested………….it was a goner….. But after she re-installed it…and tried starting the truck………….nothing happened….. With a lot of rising self-doubt…she tried it again…still nothing….. But she had already had the batteries tested (while they were still in the truck) at Advanced…

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………….It’s Begun………….

………….It’s Begun………….

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the first day of the 2022 Hurricane Season….. It’s begun….. “They” say it should be more active than last year…..(?)….. …..(sigh)….. “They” know what they’re talking about….. ***2022 Hurricane Predictions by NOAA*** Apparently the on-going (very active) La NiƱa is responsible for the up-tick in storms….. She’s just dancing away out there stirring up meteorological trends and tendencies….. …..those tendencies could have their tendencies right over us….. …..damn…… …..(sigh)….. …..(SIGH)….. …..(DOUBLE SIGH)……..

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