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Tag: barn cat

~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

~~~A Slice Of Country~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** This will be a short post….. I figured that the following pictures would speak for themselves….. We order our groceries and other stuff once a month from Walmart….. It gets delivered…and left at the front gate…on our mounting block….. Walmart texts us to let us know when it’s coming & when it arrives….. We go out with a wheelbarrow and pick it up in a timely-fashion…you know because of the produce and frozen…

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***Otto versus Danny***

***Otto versus Danny***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Apparently there was a slap down fight in the front yard that I knew nothing about…(until much later)….. Apparently (as per my younger daughter)…it was totally unprovoked….. Apparently Otto won….. I know I’m a control freak…I hate when I’m not on top of things….. …..and that is what recently happened….. Danny (my younger daughter’s Papillon) normally is on the back of the couch….. …..around noon recently…I noticed that he wasn’t really napping…but was…

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