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Tag: Banamine

*Paranoia & Addy*

*Paranoia & Addy*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** You know those Optimistic/PollyAnna expressions…trying to prompt a positive outlook on life? There are lots of them that are available….. Always look on the bright side of life (accompanied by a spritely whistle)—(okay…that one’s from Monty Python)….. …..a cheery outlook makes for a cheery disposition….. …..happy is as happy does…?…I don’t know….. There are millions of them….. I didn’t want to use any of them a few days ago…when I checked on the…

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The Holiday Sprint

The Holiday Sprint

Maybe the Holidays should be more accurately identified as a Sprint combined with a Marathon… Today for example: Wake up. Brush multiple cats off face. Feed cats; feed hounds; feed puppies; clean puppy kennels. Go outside (take multiple deep breaths to clear my head of the morning house-fumes). Feed chickens/turkeys/rabbits/goats/pigs…….and then the horses. Check on Poppy (who had decided to opportunistically break down the already dry-rotted fence posts yesterday…….and then gorge on a compressed alfalfa block…….and then subsequently colic…….). Yesterday…

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University Of Florida Botanist’s Opinion

University Of Florida Botanist’s Opinion

And around and around we go………… The weed photos were dutifully sent to U. of  F. And surprise, surprise, surprise…………. …..none of the weeds were considered poisonous to horses or livestock…………. …..well, that’s not entirely true……. Weed #5 (they believe) is from the “mallow” family. It could cause higher than normal nitrate levels in the blood…….IF the plant is stressed and then eaten………….(?) …..well…….Weed #5 didn’t look “stressed” or even nibbled on by the horses.  There were only two of…

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