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Tag: baby goats

Baby Goat~~Up-Date

Baby Goat~~Up-Date

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I wanted you to know that the orphaned baby goats are doing well….. …..they are adjusting….. Even though Snickers had twins…and Fatty Patty had triplets…those five babies have adapted and are thriving….. Although…I think the adopted wet-nurses are not so happy….. I’m not even sure they ever officially volunteered for the job…it just kind of…happened….. After Snickers and Fatty Patty both passed…Cami had to be banished from the nursery stall….. Her two boys…

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Triplets…….Not Twins!

Triplets…….Not Twins!

Well…..whoopsie….. Mistakes were made….. Aaauuuuggggghhhhhh!!! Over-sights happened….. It probably had something to do with the impending potential of being hit by lightening….. …..that and the goats’ abilities to hide their children….. Everything ultimately turned out all right…(how that happened…I have NO idea)….. (I really don’t know how…..(?)…..) …..BUT ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL….. …..BECAUSE….. …..the next day…..we found yet another “new”(?) singleton buckling…..(?) …..we found the little boy amongst some dead tree roots…..under a downed tree trunk… …..he was little…but…

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The Goat Nursery

The Goat Nursery

We knew this was going to happen… It’s the basic “birds and bees” stuff…..and we planned it… But it’s still startling when a flock of baby-bundle-carrying storks start dropping baby goats everywhere……. …’s a little alarming……. …..and more are expected imminently… There are still a number of ladies out there who are sporting major bellies… …..they are veritable Zeppelins. We seem to always find ourselves in the remote back pasture, when the sun is rapidly setting, and the daylight is…

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Goats, Hoo Hoo & Basic Addition

Goats, Hoo Hoo & Basic Addition

Just got back inside from bottle feeding several baby goats.  There are quite a few baby goats out there…………….quite a few. Definitely, one of the doelings will be named Irma. We normally have better herd management.   We normally know who is pregnant and when they are due.   All that went out the window when Irma blew through.       And given the goatie-population explosion out there, we need to get our adult goats interested in some other…

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