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Tag: apple pies



Thanksgiving’s just around the bend….. I’ve got the menu in my head…..(fyi…’s the same one as last year)…..   …..and the year before that….. …..and the year before that….. I had my curried/autumn/gourd/spicy/non-award-winning baked casserole….. …..(that my family unanimously nix’d)….. …..and I just don’t know why….. … was creatively herbal…..and healthy….. …..and you know… just shouldn’t say no to beta-carotene….. As a result, this year it’s a return to the simple baked yam….. …..I mean…..they’re good…..they’re tasty….. …..but there are…

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*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

It’s prep time!!! It’s cooking & baking time!!! It’s transport time!!! It’s TEA TIME!!! I love it!!! The apples have been peeled and doused in a lemon juice bath (to avoid browning)…..and they are awaiting their pie crusts….. All of the potatoes have been peeled and boiled…..and the necessary additives have been added (and those would be the poundage of sweet butter along with the gallons of heavy cream)….. (like I’ve said before… might as well just spackle my lumpy/mashed potatoes…

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