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Tag: AirStream

Farms and Repairs

Farms and Repairs

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Farms are synonymous with repairs….. Nothing stays fixed….. … rots… breaks…’s constantly getting spindled & mutilated by livestock….. Just when you’ve finished a spectacular project…..some fat beast comes along and sits on it….. …..(I’ve discovered the same thing about cleaning the refrigerator or mopping the kitchen floor)….. …..(not that some fat beast squashes it…..but right after you clean the refrigerator…someone inevitably…

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~~~The Project~~~(a.k.a. “Rosebud”)

~~~The Project~~~(a.k.a. “Rosebud”)

My younger daughter has always wanted an AirStream trailer….. Over the years she has researched and learned all she could about them….. I don’t know when her penchants started…..I don’t know what started it….. …..but it’s been percolating for awhile….. We ran into an opportunity for an extreme “fixer-upper”…..which was sitting (mired down) in our vet’s back yard….. It’s the “International” model…..and it’s an old one….. *****AirStream Model Types***** It’s been a project just getting it here…..but it’s here now……..

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~~~New Projects—Old Ideas~~~

~~~New Projects—Old Ideas~~~

My younger daughter has always (did I mention ALWAYS) wanted to live in an AirStream trailer… Well…..she has… She wants her independence… And that’s fine… (within reason) She LOVES watching the TV program…”Going RV”… She studies it…..takes notes… re-runs…..and really gets into it….. (should I use the word COMPULSIVE!?!…..why yes I should)….. …..(shhhhh)….. …..she can easily tell you the difference between a Class A and a Class B hitch… ***Huh?…..The Alphabet Of RV’s*** A few months back, while up at…

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