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Tag: 2024 Hurricane Season

The Hay Delivery

The Hay Delivery

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Alfalfa bales can go bad quickly in Florida’s Humid Hot Summers….. I had purchased what I thought Brave and Pepper would need here for the month of September…and it was delivered on Labor Day….. Which was all fine and good…if things had remained dry here…but…things didn’t….. It’s always a crapshoot in Summer in sunny subtropical Florida…well honestly…it’s not even that….. It’s more of a guarantee that it’s going to be soggy and humid……..

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~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

~The Dust Of The Sahara Desert~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Well…we’re deep into Hurricane Season…and so far…there haven’t been any big storms….. Hurricane Debby wrecked a lot of damage and flooding…in areas that aren’t considered flood zones(?)….. It’s still an enigma…one that everyone is trying to figure out….. But here we sit at the end of August…and we’re squeaking along…quietly keeping our fingers crossed….. It’s the beginning of September that is truly the peak of the active hurricane season…with storms both before and…

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TD…TS…Hurricane Debby…TS…TD

TD…TS…Hurricane Debby…TS…TD

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Remember that children’s book?—“The Little Engine That Could”?….. Debby is that little hurricane that could….. Who would’ve thought that Tropical Depression 4 would become so opportunistic…that she’d still be out there wrecking havoc on so many peoples’ lives!?!….. She spluttered out of no where and just kept going…and growing?….. She may make it up to my family in Ohio yet!….. I even heard one meteorologist say that he wouldn’t be surprised if Debby…

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Covid & Debby

Covid & Debby

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** So….. I spoke too soon….. Last Friday evening we all tested ourselves and found we were ALL positive for Covid….. …..and I was just so glad there wasn’t also a hurricane on our doorstep….. Because…that would’ve been just too cruel….. Oh…wait….. Then TD-4 (Tropical Depression 4) cropped up (I swear out of nowhere)…and started meandering and semi-twirling down in the Caribbean Sea….. And then it got more organized….. And started heading North….. …..into…

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Really?!?….. Really!?!….. Insufferable heat….. The peak of Hurricane Season….. …..and now Covid?….. I thought I was whining enough in my last post…that was just a little operetta…… Now…I’m in a full-blown aria….. The Fat Lady Is Singing!…And Complaining!….. I have a household full of sickies…we’re fortunate that it’s not the original Covid-19 whammy….. …..but it’s nasty…with it’s own unique twists….. So far…I haven’t been too bad…but I’m watching my daughters and friends in…

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Heat Complaint #563

Heat Complaint #563

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s the last day of July….. I think I might see a brisk zephyr somewhere over that haze-crazed humidity-dripping horizon….. Everything…(flora & fauna alike)…has that same dispirited…middle distanced…unfocused stare….. It’s that zombie-time of the year in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. … one wants to be here now….. Maine is looking pretty good….. Some are pining for the Yukon….. Our air conditioner has been stressed to its max…it’s been on again…off again….. …..frozen over…and icy…and…

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~~2024 Hurricane Season Predictions~~

~~2024 Hurricane Season Predictions~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Well…it’s here again….. The beginning of June marks the beginning of the Hurricane Season for us…here in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. *****(NOAA’s 2024 Predictions)***** I felt obligated to look it up…I didn’t want to…but it’s always better to be informed….. So…that’s the line-up of names for 2024….. …..and…I’d like to point out…Oscar’s on it….. I want to think we won’t get that far in the alphabet…but we always do…(remember the one year (two years)…

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