***Sweeping Up The Pieces***

***Sweeping Up The Pieces***

Addy’s doing better…

She’s getting her waistline back…

She’s getting her appetite back…

Her temperature has remained within normal range…….phew…

I milked her out several times for a few days after her baby died…..and then filtered & froze her milk…….

Addy’s Milk

…..that way we’ll have some horse milk available in the freezer to supplement anyone’s foal who might need some…….

…..plus it appears that Addy was a dairy cow in her past life…..!…..

…..I was so worried that she wouldn’t produce enough milk…..but that hasn’t been the case at all…!

…..I think it’s the free-choice alfalfa hay that’s been available to her since she’s been here…..

…..where she lived before (when she didn’t produce enough milk for her foal), her previous owner didn’t believe in alfalfa hay…..for some reason…..(?)…

***Summer heat has hit us hard…..we are all sweltering…….

……………..oh, whoopie……………..

…..we’ll be counting down the days until the cooler months come back again…….

…..(and the end of hurricane season)…..

…..I’m starting to keep closer track of the meteorologist’s weather reports along with keeping an eye on the hurricane-watch radar…..


…..the circle of life…..

Hadrian’s leaving has left a vacuum in our home…

It feels like he’s still here…

Grandpa Hadrian

I expect to see him down the hallway, or cruising the kitchen counters or sleeping in his usual spot…

Sabine and Sloane and Val are his granddaughters (who we are keeping) from the last three litters…


Sabine has an unspellable/registered Celtic name. ย Sloane is now registered as “Sloane Ranger”…..while Val is officially “Code of Chivalry”.

Baby Sabine

*****What’s A Sloane Ranger???*****

………….and life goes on…….a person can either get in step…….or be left in the dust………….






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