***Puppy Surprise***

***Puppy Surprise***

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They weren’t totally a surprise litter…..

But they weren’t planned either…..

…..by that I mean…we humans…didn’t plan for this litter to happen…..

Ben did…..

Ben had a despicable & pernicious plan of his own…..

…..it was both plotted-out & opportunistic…..

He included Molly at the very last minute…..

…..she was compliant and complicit…..


We were outsmarted on all fronts…..

…..I have no pride left…I’ve regularly been outsmarted by just about all the animals on this farm…(and it’s a sad…sad day when you’re outsmarted by a chicken)…..

….it’s unfortunate…but it’s true…..

So I’ll jump to this post’s subject………….PUPPIES!………….

…..they’re here…..

My daughter’s and I had decided NOT to have puppies…when the girls were in season recently…..

…..because some simple math told us that they would be delivered either smack-dab on Christmas Day or just before…..


Molly & Her Son

Like I said…insidious-Ben had other plans…..

…..he’s a rotten hound…..


Just A Second!!!………….this is NOT the first time Ben and Molly have done this to me!…..

I just remembered another time when the two of them larked and out-lapped me in the back yard…they ran…and laughed at me the entire time…..

…..Irresponsible Hounds…making irresponsible choices…..

Molly & Ben Sitting In A Tree………….K-I-S-S-I-N-G…..

First Comes Love…Then Comes Marriage…Then Comes Puppies In A Baby Carriage…..

…..we all know that childhood song…..



“My Plan” was NOT to have puppies and ’round-the-clock feedings during the busy Holidays…..

I wanted to wait until the Spring Time…and have puppies then…..

…blurry…..but still cute…

…..that was “my plan”…..

…..(damned hounds)…..

Sooooooo…my daughters and I are on “Puppy-Patrol”…..

…..feeding every three hours…not leaving the litter’s side…fresh goat milk…(courtesy of Doctor Brigid’s goats)…for the formula to supplement Mom’s milk (which is never enough)…..

…..we are tube-feeding…(because it’s more efficient/less-gassy/and we’re sure of the ingested amount)…wiping puppy bottoms…feeding ice cream to Mom (to avoid post-delivery eclampsia)—(I don’t share with her—she drools too much in the container)…..

…..and of course…we had to have a cesarean section delivery…..

…..everyone else…always…have regular deliveries…..

…..not us…..

But…now the good news…..

Mom’s healthy…her puppies are healthy…we’ve kicked into a well-grooved routine…that we know so well…..

I probably already have dried formula and puppy-poo in my hair…(it’s a given)…..

…..and the beat goes on…..

Happy Holidays…..






#tubefeeding #irishwolfhounds #irishwolfhoundpuppies #meconium #puppylitter

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