

I might be a pseudo-health-nut.

I do think a lot of our food isn’t cracked up to what we expect.


It looks picture-perfect.

It’s tasteless…….like eating an air-brushed picture.


As a child, I remember sitting in the middle of the corn rows, eating sun-warmed tomatoes…….they tasted like tomatoes should (after I brushed off the dirt and bugs)…….they were great.


And I so love Moon-Pies…………(***Moon Pies—Explained***)……………


My go-to flavor will always be banana……………….a predictable lacing of paraffin is always at the leading-edge of any of the Moon Pie flavors plus it makes them so very shiny……………….


It’s not really banana—–it’s a pretty little pastel flavor that had a banana waved over it………….but whatever it is………….it’s delicious…

You can always cut the leftover paraffin-residue on your teeth with mediocre bourbon, and a good flossing………….

…….Yes, you can…

Yep, These Are All Mine

But with all of the pretty/perfect food that we stick in our mouths, I feel confident there are nutritional/tasteless voids & deficits.

And These Too


Hence————-I supplement…….a lot….

I (mostly) take my supplements first thing in the morning on an empty stomach……….


…..let’s face it, by the time I’m through swallowing all of my herbs, vitamins, & capsulated-what-nots…….and they all get hydrated with my abuse of tea…….I already have a salad in my tummy…….so I don’t ever get pukey.



So even when I don’t “eat” breakfast…….I actually have a re-constituted garden in my stomach…….without chewing once…

And These

And I’ve found a conglomerated recipe to combat my chronic insomnia……(Amazon to the rescue)…

Often I don’t buy capsuled herbs anymore…….I buy bulk bags…….

…….(when I just re-read that last sentence…it sounded very 1960’s—1970’s didn’t it?)

These Are Mine Too


See a little bit of knowledge can be a good thing (?)

………….until I fall over dead and they do a necropsy and wonder why my bloodwork was so skewed…


Oh well…….





2 thoughts on “Supplementing~Life

  1. I know what most of that is for. There is, or was, a valerian based formula called Euro-Calm which was very good. The OTC valerian based doggie calmers are real close to it in ingredients. Have you looked into Sam-e? It could possibly replace 2–4 other things, meaning fewer pills and pill bottles.

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