

As predictions go…..

(btw…..this is absolutely me and Claire…..)

…..was it Tuesday…..?…..

…..or…..was it……Thursday…..?…..



I can’t resist putting in more udder photos here…..

…..you know I can’t…..

…..Claire’s not talking…..

…..Brave’s a good-time-Charlie…..


So all I have is my overly-compulsive use of my (apparently now derelict) little camera…..

…..(I can’t keep up with technology…..you blink…..and you’re immediately out-of-date)…..

…..(that’s another story/for another day)…..

…..but in the meantime…..

I’ll continue to chase Claire around with my reliable/obsolete camera…..

…..and take photos of her udder…..to compare with my other photos of her udder…..

(Note To Self: Β I need to get out more…..)

Claire this is all up to you…..

………………………(hasn’t it always been?)…..

Maybe our predictions were for NEXT Tuesday or Thursday…..?…..

***Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Rectal Palpation For Pregnancy In Mares***


Claire & Son

Claire foaled………….

Claire’s Son’s Arrival

We’re all exhausted………….

(no name yet)

………….more later…






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