Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice


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Here in the Swamp…’s really dark at night…..

It’s fun to sit out and watch the stars…..(if the bugs…suffocating heat…and… the rain let you)…..

We always have more than enough wood to burn…..bonfires are actually a necessity…..

There’s so much that keeps falling…’s a constant clean-up…..

…..after a storm…..there’s always more…..

…..(plus we have a tin roof…..and when a dead branch falls on that…..EVERYONE takes notice)…..

Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice…..the longest day of the year…..

…..we aren’t as organized as the henge visitors over in Salisbury, England…..

…..(although I do recommend a couple wonderful pubs in Amesbury)-(near Stonehenge)…..

…..(The Bell and The George Hotel to be specific)…..

***Yep—I Know My Pubs—(here’s more information about The Bell & The George Hotel)***

…(been there)…
…(been there)…
…(been there)…
…(maybe I’ve been there?)…

…..many…..many hours have been reflectively spent in various pubs…..

…..I do like myself a pint (or two…or three…or)…..(especially of Ben Truman Export Dark)…..

…(would like to go there)…

***Ben’s Made A Come-Back…..(I didn’t know he had left!?!)***

***More Information About Ben***

But here in the Swamp…..we aren’t that organized…..

I do take note that the day starts really really early…..

…..and it stays light a really long time…..

It’s not as much fun to sit outside after dark in Florida’s June…as it is in December…for the Winter Solstice…..

I’ll try starting the bonfire…..but the wood is pretty soggy…..and the bugs are super hungry…..unless we all sit in the middle of the thick/choking smoke from the wet wood…..

…..(we could use the horse’s anti-itch spray)…..

…..if we don’t…..we’ll end up being a summer solstice buffet for the mosquitoes and other biting what-nots…..

I do have to say…’s the perfect opportunity for chilled cider (the hard kind)…..and cheap wine coolers…..(Carlo Rossi burgundy & diet Mountain Dew)—(hey…..don’t judge…’s yummy good!)…..

Oooooh…..and let’s not forget…..the mediocre bourbon…..

… friend (Tess) usually comes for the bonfire extravaganzas…..we have special/tall/purple/plastic cups especially for these occasions…..

… all makes things easier to ignore those munching bugs…..

It’ll either happen amidst the dense smoke from a soggy wood bonfire…..

…..or maybe in the comfort of the den (and the A/C)…..

…..(mosquitoes are not invited)…..

*******Disclaimer***Not All Of The Pubs Were Frequented on One Trip********


#thenewinn #thesherlockhomes #yeoldetriptojerusalem

#boubon #carlorossi #burgundy #bentrumanexport #bitter #mountaindew #stonehenge #thehorseandgroom


#summersolstice #wintersolstice #thebell #thegeorgehotel #amesbury #salisbury

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